About Dissonant ConstellationsIt has been over thirty years since the Embers of Prometheus left Earth, rejecting the new power wielded by the Coalition over the fate of Humanity for the risks and rewards of complete independence. The Coalition...
"When monsters wear human faces, how do you tell the hunter from the hunted in a city stained with blood?"Briarcliff is a city rotting from the inside out, where killers roam the streets and bodies pile up like clockwork. But the city's street...
"whakarerenga: 1. (noun) leaving behind, desertion, abandonment, forsaking, discarding.2. (noun) inheritance, bequest, legacy."Definition from Te Aka Māori DictionaryMarys, a renegade ex-cop, moves to a space station known as the Thorn, whic...
This universe is unfair, because as long as you are an individual life, you will be studied by higher-level civilizations, and your every move will be observed by them!
When does something become someone?When do text and pixels become words that stir emotions?Or when does a character in a story begin to feel like a real person?Join me on this journey to explore where that line begins to blur, and eventually s...